
Monday, October 23, 2006

Of Mice and Men

The Indigo Girls, of whom I am an adoring fan, have a song with the line "....nothing turned out as I planned..." This is turning out to be more than a theme, but rather an inescapeable truth in my life. And for someone as PLAN oriented as myself, this is often quite daunting.

I'm that girl you hate....the one who irons and lays her clothes out the night before....the one who keeps kicky little notebooks with me at all times to record ideas and To Do lists....the one who orders flowers months before the anniversary and who is guenuinly anal about keeping the toilet paper roll replaced. I love anything involving organization, efficiency, and neatness. I get downright giddy in the "rubbermaid storage" isle at the Walmart, people.
Lately, our fickel friend Fate has taken to reminding me that SHE holds the reigns to the horses and I'm lucky to just be ridin behind in the wagon. When lookin down the road a year ago, my current job, car, house and city of residence were NOT in my extended forcast. Yet, here I am..... a small town country girl- big city livin...learning to eat sushi and cuss like a sailor while on the 12 lane interstate.
I never PLANNED to have my heart shattered at 20.... I never PLANNED to have 13 car accidents by the age of 27...I never PLANNED to deliver a woman's baby on a dirt road in Mexico.... ....In fact, looking back, my life has been mostly about things I DIDNT PLAN.....people i never planned to fall for and people i never planned to fall out of love with....vacations i planned that never happened and spontaneous road trips i went on that i never saw coming....jobs I planned on getting and jobs i never planned on losing....
So, since it seems to be pointless anyway, i am challenging myself to NOT plan......put that energy into something productive like learning the art of Oragamy or becoming the world's best Crash Car Derby Driver. (Hey, after 13 car accidents, I aughta be pretty damn good.) After all, in the end, its the unplanned road that holds the best suprises.


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