Batman Befriends
He always arrives wearing an adorable lopsided grin and some curious outfit as Pop allows him to exercise his imagination via a unique wardrobe. Some days he opts for a Batman theme others he's decked out in full-on safari gear. Today it was red rubber rain boots and a fishing hat, capped off with tinfoil wrist bands.
I usually conclude each visit with a brief game of some sort which he ALWAYS wins and for which he always gets a lolli-pop.
"What's it gonna be today, big guy? Thumb wrestle? Rock Paper Scissors?"
He pauses briefly, twitches his nose and squints. "Arm Wrestle!" he declares, and so we set about getting positioned. He giggles at the sound his homemade "laser blasters" make as they crinkle between our forarms. I pretend the "lasers" are shocking me therefore making my leg twitch. Giggles inflate into full blown laughter revealing evidence of multiple visits from the Tooth Fairy. With furrowed brow, he bites his lower lip and hunkers down.
"Go!" Pop yells!
I squeal and play the part of the dissappointed as he pins my hand to the table. He does the victory dance while i retrieve the sugary spoils of war. I drop to my knees for the best part of his visits, the candy/hug exchange.
He swaggers off with Pop with a smile and wave, promising to return soon. Suddenly, he lets go of Pop's hand and bolts back across the parking lot towards me. Out of breath, he crooks his finger signaling me to lean in.
"You're stronger than you think," he whispers. And then in a flurry of red rubber and aluminium he's gone.
As I turned towards the door, the gravity of his words filter in. And ya know what? He's right.
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger at the broken places."........ Ernest Hemingway
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